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Document Destruction Services: A Guide

Document Destruction Services: A GuideWhat is document destruction and how does it help companies? Companies use document destruction services when they are faced with documents that no longer need to be kept. This could be a credit card bill or even a tax return. When you are no longer in need of these documents, you can’t just throw them away as they often contain information that could be used to harm your company. This is why document destruction services have become so popular with many companies.

If you are new to these services then this blog article is for you as it will guide you through everything you need to know before making your first appointment like why you should choose a shredding company as well as what type of document destruction service you need, and finally, how the shredding process works.

Why Choose a Document Destruction Service?

First and foremost, this service safeguards your most sensitive personal data to help you prevent the growing threat of identity theft. Document destruction is the ultimate data protection solution. The company you hire to destroy your confidential documents ensures top security. These professionals use professional industrial shredding equipment that destroys the documents within minutes. You can be confident that sensitive documents will be destroyed in an effective, efficient manner.

By outsourcing your document destruction services, you can enjoy many cost-saving benefits. You can spend your time making more sales, building relationships with customers, and improving customer satisfaction instead of spending hours or even days shredding all those documents.

Another perk that comes with document destruction is that paper bits are recycled into other products once they are destroyed instead of ending up in our landfills.

Picking a Company

When looking for a company to do your document destruction, there are a few things you should look out for, the first being the cost. When choosing a company, you want to guarantee that it is the most affordable for your business. You want to get the best bang for your buck and ensure they give you top-notch services.

Once you’ve found a few shredding companies you feel comfortable with, be ready to do a little bit of homework. Find out what the reputation is for the specific company and provide you with the right services you are looking for. A great thing about using shredding companies is that they are more than happy to assist you with any questions you have regarding document shredding services, so get ready to take some of the stress out of this process!

Document Destruction Types

Companies across the country have different needs when it comes to document destruction. A good shredding company can provide the service to match what your company needs with what is available. That is why most companies have different types of document destruction—two of the major ones being one-time shredding and scheduled shredding.

One-time shredding is for companies that need to shred documents but don’t have enough to shred them on a regular basis. They need it maybe once or twice a year. Scheduled shredding is when they do need a document destruction service on a more regular basis. It could be bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly. Either way, you are getting a spectacular secure document destruction service that will handle all your shredding needs.

When you destroy your documents with the help of a professional, you can be sure that your information is secure and your documents have been destroyed safely.

Contact iShred today to book your document destruction service.

Let us manage your document destruction needs!

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