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How to Keep Your Identity Safe When You Move This Summer

Summer is a time for vacations, barbecues, and long weekends. It’s also a time when many people move. Whether you’re moving to a new city or just across town, it’s important to keep your identity safe during the process.

If you’re moving or planning to move, it’s critical to safeguard your personal information as well as that of your family. There are always things you don’t think about or remember, no matter how organized and prepared you are, and this is where a lot of people put their personal information in danger and fall prey to identity theft. In this blog post, we are going to give you some useful tips on how you can protect your information when you are moving this summer.

Do Not Leave Items Behind

After you’ve packed every room in your place, go through your attic, garage, and any closets you rarely use to see if there are any boxes, files, or other personal stuff you haven’t thought about in years. Old utility bills, credit card statements, insurance documents, bank records, and even personal correspondence might supply just enough information for a thief to take your identity. If you do come across something, pack it with you if you wish to preserve and shred the rest.

Don’t Throw Away Or Recycle Old Papers

Believe it or not, the trash divers are always on the lookout for indicators when someone is moving. Throwing away or recycling your old or unwanted papers, documents, and mail may be a quick and easy method to get rid of them, but it also invites the unscrupulous to sift through your trash and recycling bins. Before you move, look through all of your documents and old mail and shred anything you don’t need—Shredding is the safest method to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

Hire A Professional Shredding Services

If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of personal documents floating around your house. From old bills and receipts to tax documents and bank statements, these papers can contain a wealth of sensitive information. Before you move, go through all your documents and shred anything with your name, address, Social Security number, or financial information that you no longer need. The best way to do this is to hire a professional shredding company. This will help to protect you from identity theft and fraud, but also, it’s one less thing you need to move to your new home.

Do Not Share Too Much Information On Social Media

In the age of social media, sharing too much information online is easy. But when you’re moving to a new place, it’s important to be careful about what you post on your various platforms. Avoid sharing your new address or phone number until you’ve had a chance to settle in and get to know your neighbors. And if you’re using social media to sell items from your old home, be sure to meet the buyer in a public place. By following these simple guidelines, you can help to keep your personal information safe and secure.

Check Your Credit Report Regularly

Finally, one of the best ways to protect your identity is to regularly check your credit report. You’re entitled to a free copy of your report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months. Reviewing your report regularly will help you to catch any suspicious activity, such as unauthorized charges or accounts. If you spot something that looks fishy, be sure to contact the credit bureau immediately.


Following these simple tips can help keep your identity safe this summer – no matter where you move! And remember that document destruction services are the safest way to protect your identity.

iShred Document Destruction is a locally owned and operated company that provides shredding and destruction to residential and business customers throughout the Palm Springs area. Contact us today to learn more about our shredding services.

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